

Oct 22

Marketing Meetings 2013

The TCB Marketing Meetings held in September gave all attendees insight into what has been accomplished in 2013, the promotional ideas for 2014 and a look at the long and short term visions of TCB.

All of the three TCB overseas offices as well as TCB headquarters presented their plans for 2014. In addition to the plenary sessions, there were also interesting separate workshops that were given by all four offices. Airlift to Bonaire was highlighted, while future plans for Bonaire Airport expansion were also discussed. These topics were covered and presented by BIA, Insel Air and Tiara Air Aruba. If you would like to receive the presentations given at the 2013 TCB marketing meetings, please e-mail us at: info@tourismbonaire.com.

We would like to thank all who participated!

Marketing Meetings> A look at the vision and positioning:Entre Nous 3






Long term vision

Converting Bonaire into the premier eco-&-visitor-friendly, un-touched Caribbean dive-and-holiday destination for ultimate relaxation and a unique cultural experience.

Short term vision

Realizing a steady continued growth of the stay over and cruise tourism in line with a responsible eco-friendly policy with benefits and sufficient ROI to fulfill all stake-holders expectations, maximizing on island spending, visitor quantity, length of stay and employment within the tourism sector.


The core positioning strategy for Tourism Corporation Bonaire is to clearly differentiate the destination from key competitors by establishing a distinctive and attractive brand image based on its main strengths and appeals, in consideration of the perceived needs and interests of target markets whilst constantly striving to further develop and improve upon existing standards.